In recent years, the concept of “backyard suites” has gained traction in North America as a innovative approach to address urban density challenges and create additional living spaces within cities such as Toronto and Ottawa. Backyard suites, also known as laneway houses or granny flats, refer to secondary dwelling units constructed in the backyards of existing single-family homes.
Both the Cities of Ottawa and Toronto has embraced coach houses as an innovative solution to urban housing needs. Coach houses, small accessory apartments detached from the principal dwelling, offer a discreet and affordable means of increasing housing density. At EVOarchitects, we recognize the potential of coach houses in addressing urban housing challenges while maintaining the character and aesthetic of existing neighborhoods. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to planning, designing, and developing a coach house in Ottawa, drawing on insights from the city's detailed regulations and guidelines.
Introduction to Coach Houses
A coach house is a small, freestanding building located on the same lot as the principal dwelling. This type of infill housing leverages existing services and infrastructure to provide additional living space without the need for extensive new developments. Coach houses can serve various purposes, such as rental units, guest houses, or independent living spaces for family members.
Eligibility Criteria
Before planning a coach house, it's essential to determine if your lot is eligible. Generally, a lot is eligible if:
It is serviced by municipal water and wastewater systems or, in rural areas, if it is at least 0.4 hectares and serviced by a private well and septic system.
t contains a detached, semi-detached, duplex, or townhouse dwelling.
The primary dwelling unit does not already contain a secondary dwelling unit, garden suite, or any rooming units.
Pre-Planning Considerations
Building a coach house involves significant costs and planning. Here are the key pre-planning considerations:
Servicing Feasibility
Assessing the feasibility of servicing a coach house is crucial. This includes extending potable water, sanitary sewer disposal, stormwater drainage, electricity, and possibly natural gas connections from the main house to the coach house. The costs can range from $15,000 to $35,000 depending on various factors, including the lot’s size, existing services, and the complexity of the connections .
Municipal and Private Services
For lots with municipal water and sewer services, you may need to upgrade or modify these services to accommodate the coach house. Engaging professionals such as Ontario Land Surveyors or Licensed Architect to prepare a grading and servicing plan is advisable. For privately serviced lots, additional considerations for septic systems and well water quality and quantity are necessary .
Zoning and By-law Requirements
Understanding the zoning and by-law requirements is essential. Coach houses must comply with specific size, height, and setback regulations:
Maximum footprint: 80 m² in urban areas and 95 m² in rural areas.
Maximum height: 3.6 meters for a flat roof in urban areas; up to 6.1 meters if entirely above a detached garage in rural areas.
Setbacks: Minimum of 1 meter in urban areas and 4 meters in rural areas.
Design and Development
Once you’ve addressed pre-planning considerations, you can proceed to design and development:
Size and Height
The size and height of a coach house are regulated to ensure they remain secondary to the principal dwelling. For lots in urban areas, the coach house must not exceed 40% of the rear yard or a footprint of 80 m². In rural areas, the footprint can be up to 95 m².
Location and Access
The coach house should be positioned in a manner that complements the principal dwelling and maintains neighborhood aesthetics. It must have a clear pathway for access and share the same parking area as the main house. Entrances should be designed to ensure privacy for both the coach house and the principal dwelling.
Trees and Landscaping
Preserving existing trees and integrating the coach house with the landscape is vital. Any tree removal may require a permit, and the design should consider the impact on the existing green space.
The Zoning By-law does not require additional parking for a coach house. Parking is permitted, provided any new space is in compliance with the parking provisions of the Zoning By-law. Where it is chosen to provide parking, the Zoning By-law limits its location in the urban area to an existing driveway or an extension of an existing driveway, for example to a coach house which contains a garage or carport.
Window placement affects the privacy of neighbours. Strategic window placement will allow for light penetration into the coach house while respecting the privacy of adjacent properties. Where windows are desired, the Zoning By-law performance standard requires a coach house to be 4 metres from a rear and interior side lot line
Entrances and Access
The Zoning By-law requires a 1.2-metre-wide access from the coach house to a public street. This is to provide direct pedestrian access for the coach house, and access for emergency response services. The Zoning By-law restricts the location of a doorway entrance to a coach house to be set back further than 4 m from the lot line unless the lot line in question borders a travelled lane. Also note, it is prohibited to park a car on a walkway. Walkways to a coach house are NOT to be used to park two cars side by side.
Application Process
The application process involves several steps and requires compliance with various regulations:
Building Permit
A building permit is mandatory for all coach houses. This ensures the construction meets safety and building code standards.
Site Plan Control
For rural areas, a Site Plan Control application is necessary. This involves submitting a Scoped Hydrogeological Study to ensure the well water is adequate for the additional dwelling. Pre-application consultations with city planning staff are recommended.
Committee of Adjustment
If your lot cannot meet the zoning standards by a small margin, you may apply for a minor variance through the Committee of Adjustment. The committee will consider the application based on several criteria, including the minor nature of the variance and its desirability for property development.
Development Charges
Development charges, particularly for public transit, apply to coach houses. These fees vary based on the location within the city and are periodically updated to reflect infrastructure priorities. As of 2018, fees range from $1,100 to $4,700 per coach house.
KEY benefits of building a Coach house
Increased Housing Options:
These self-contained units, built within existing residential properties, provide numerous benefits that enhance the quality of life for homeowners while contributing to the overall housing capacity of the cities. This op-ed explores the advantages of building Backyard Suites and highlights their potential as an innovative and sustainable housing solution.
Enhanced Living Space:
One of the primary benefits of constructing a Backyard Suite is the creation of additional housing options within already established residential neighborhoods. As cities face housing shortages and increasing population density, these self-contained units offer an opportunity to increase the housing supply without compromising the existing urban fabric. Backyard Suites can provide affordable housing solutions for individuals, couples, elderly family members, or those seeking to downsize.
Surgical Expansion:
Backyard Suites allow homeowners to expand their living space without altering the original structure of their homes. These units can serve a variety of purposes, including additional bedrooms, home offices, studios, or rental units. By offering flexible and customizable space, Backyard Suites adapt to the changing needs of homeowners, providing a versatile and functional solution that maximizes the use of available land.
Rental Income and Financial Benefits:
Constructing a Backyard Suite presents an opportunity for homeowners to generate supplemental income through long-term rentals or short-term accommodations like Airbnb. This additional revenue stream can help offset mortgage payments, property taxes, or the cost of constructing the unit itself. In turn, homeowners can achieve greater financial stability and even use the income to invest in home improvements or other ventures.
Multi-Generational Living:
Backyard Suites facilitate multi-generational living arrangements, allowing families to stay connected while maintaining a sense of privacy and independence. Whether it’s accommodating aging parents, providing a separate space for adult children, or creating a guest suite for visiting relatives, these units promote intergenerational harmony and ensure everyone has their own designated living area.
Sustainability and Urban Density:
By utilizing existing land and infrastructure, Backyard Suites contribute to sustainable urban development. They minimize the need for additional land consumption and reduce the strain on urban infrastructure, as they share utilities with the main dwelling. Furthermore, by promoting higher density in established neighborhoods, these units support efficient land use and can help mitigate urban sprawl.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a coach house get a separate address?
Yes, a coach house will receive a separate address for municipal services and emergency response purposes.
Can a coach house be sold separately?
No, a coach house cannot be sold separately from the principal dwelling as it is considered an accessory use.
Do I need insurance for a coach house?
Yes, insuring the coach house is recommended to cover potential liabilities and property damage .
At EVOarchitects, we believe in innovative housing solutions that balance urban density with community aesthetics. Coach houses offer a versatile and efficient way to enhance living spaces within existing neighborhoods. By following Ottawa’s guidelines and planning carefully, homeowners can create functional and harmonious coach houses that contribute positively to the urban landscape. If you're considering adding a coach house to your property, our team at EVOarchitects is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your vision becomes a reality.
Case Study 1
Zoning Analysis for Backyard Suite Addition
Applicable to: City of Ottawa and GTA
About the Author
Marco Georges - EVOarchitects
Senior Architect at EVOarchitects Inc.
Masters of Architecture from the University of Calgary
Licensed Architect, OAA